SoulBeing Blog

News, information, and resources to help you understand and improve your health.

Why Video Is Important To Your Wellness Business

Jul 5, 2018 | General | 0 comments

Some facts on why video matters:
*85% of the US internet audience watches videos online.
*Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading it in text.
Here at Soul Being we want to ensure every Wellness Professional in the community is successful. That’s why we are sharing some tips we’ve learned that can benefit you and your practice.

Video is one of the most powerful and efficient methods of communication online today.

Here are 9-steps to follow for video content creation. Be sure to include videos in your newsletters and on social media (uploaded independently to Facebook, not just as YouTube links) to increase visibility and educate the public about who you are and what you do. Also, remember that you can change your FB Business Page cover image to be a video.

1. Outline the contents of your video including your overall message, call to action, and notes about your intended audience so you know who you are marketing to.
2. Record your video (there may be many takes)
3. Transfer your video from its original source to your computer.
4. Edit and save your video. Add music, enhance lighting and sound, insert captions, and add any necessary images, text and graphics.
5. Publish your video to YouTube. Take the time to complete your title, thumbnail image, description, tags, and captioning (if necessary). Organize your videos into playlists and change settings as desired.
6. Embed your video into a page on your website.
7. Write at least 3 pieces of content that you can use to promote your video on your social media channels. Include the link to either your webpage where the video is embedded or your video’s YouTube link.
8. Post your pieces of content with your video link to Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter. For Facebook, we recommend directly uploading your video from your computer rather than using your YouTube link whenever possible. This will save the video in your “videos” tab and Facebook prefers this to using the YouTube link.
9. Add your video (embed or link) to your next email newsletter.

Happy recording!

Be well 🙂



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