SoulBeing Member & Industry Events
April 1, 2024 @ 8:30 am - April 4, 2024 @ 2:30 pm

Mastering the Art of Mother and Baby Care
Heart and Hands Postpartum Doula Training & Certification
Join us for an exciting online event conducted over the Zoom platform. This comprehensive training program is designed for individuals interested in becoming Certified Postpartum Doulas (CPDs).
During this training, you will learn essential skills and knowledge to provide nurturing support to new parents during the postpartum period. Our experienced instructors will cover a range of topics, including newborn care, breastfeeding support, emotional well-being, and more.
By becoming a Certified Postpartum Doula, you’ll have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of new families, offering them the support and guidance they need during this transformative time. Whether you’re a healthcare professional or simply passionate about helping others, this training is perfect for you.
Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to embark on a fulfilling career as a Postpartum Doula. Register now and take the first step towards making a difference in the lives of new parents and their precious babies.
The course is structured around the biopsychosocial framework which takes into account biological, psychological, and social factors, and their intricate interplay in comprehending health, illness, and healthcare delivery. This comprehensive approach is endorsed in this course.
Instructional methods include online/web lectures, demonstrations, discussions, experiential processes, role-play exercises, and videos and exercises.
Classes meet for four sessions from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm PST. The training will be held live on Zoom. There will be a 30-minute break each day in the morning.
Session 1: Monday, April 1, 2024
Session 2: Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Session 3: Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Session 4: Thursday, April 4, 2024
This can also be offered as an in-service for agency staff or for community groups. Please feel free to contact us for more information and to schedule.
No prior experience, education, or training is required. Instruction is conducted in English.
Professions who will benefit from this training are:
- Home visitors working with mothers and infants
- OB/GYN or Pediatric Medical Assistants
- WIC Nutrition Workers
- Perinatal Case Managers & Coordinators
- Community Health Promoters
- Parent Coaches
- Family Health Advocates (FHAs)
- Early Childhood Intervention Specialists
- Infant Mental Health Specialists
- Promatoras de Salud/Community Health Workers
- Medical Assistants (MAs)
- Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs)
- Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVNs)
- Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs)
- Home Health Aides (HHAs)
- Students of maternal-newborn nursing, midwifery, public health, medicine, psychology
- Pre-School Teachers, Nannies & Babysitters
- LCSWs/MFTs or Interns or Associates working with pregnant women and new mothers
- Health Educators
- Childbirth Doulas
- Midwife Assistants or Midwifery Students
- Pre-med and medical students who want to practice Pediatrics or Neonatology
Regular Tuition: $750.00 includes materials (extra fee for paper materials; PDF-version materials offered at no charge) and certification upon completion of requirements. Due one week before the course.
Deposit for Payment Plan: $100.00 deposit to register. You may make payments but balance is due one week prior to the course by March 25, 2024. Contact Carla.Michael@motherbabysupport to make payment arrangements.
Early Bird Special: $650.00. Begins January 5th and ends February 5th, 2024
Group Discounts: $550.00 per person for 4-10 people registering together from one agency (or four friends registering together). Invoicing is available for companies. Please contact us to request an invoice.
Scholarships: $375.00. We offer two half-scholarships each training for low-income BIPOC persons. Please get in touch with Carla.Michael@motherbabysupport for application and interview. Candidates are selected by interview based on financial need and expressed commitment to the profession and willingness to volunteer with HMHBA after the course.
Discounts for Graduates of Birth Doula Training: For graduates of our Community Birth Doula Training, a discount is offered of $625.00 per person.
Each participant will receive a Student Manual, a PowerPoint and handouts. Materials are provided in PDF format that is downloadable and printable.
Each person should have a computer with stable internet connection. Headphones are suggested. The link for the Zoom meeting will be sent prior to the course.
Participants are required to attend and participate fully in all sessions, including class discussions, skill demonstrations, role-play exercises, and experiential exercises.
Within one WEEK, participants will:
- Complete take-home, open-book written exam. You must score 80% to pass. May retake the exam once if the score is lower than 80%.
Within one YEAR, participants will:
- Complete an Infant CPR course and submit proof of certification.
- Compile a Community Resource List for Families.
- Write a 1-2 page essay on the role of the Postpartum Doula on the maternity care team, and how you plan to put this knowledge to work.
- Assist three families in the postpartum period and submit three parent evaluations and three self-reports. Reporting forms will be provided.
Annually, you must submit a $50 re-certification fee along with proof of attendance at a continuing education seminar on any topic covered in this course, or by reading a scientific, peer-reviewed journal article on any topic covered in this course, and writing a summary of the article and submitting it. Failure to meet requirements within 12 months will result in a $100 administrative charge.
- The Integral Role of Postpartum Doulas in Maternity Care Teams
- Overcoming Breastfeeding Barriers: Unraveling Historical, Social, Political, and Personal Obstacles
- Elevating Breastfeeding: Positive Impacts on Mothers, Infants, Fathers, and Societal Well-being
- Guidelines and Innovations in Breastfeeding Support
- Practicum on Effective Communication: The Three Step Strategy
- Mastering Lactation Fundamentals: Understanding the Anatomy and Physiology of Breastfeeding
- The Nutritional Wonders of Breastmilk: A Basic Exploration of Nutritional Benefits
- Promoting Exclusive Breastfeeding: Maximizing Benefits for Both Mother and Child
- Empowering Mothers to Initiate and Navigate the Breastfeeding Journey Through the First Year and Beyond
- Addressing Common Breastfeeding Challenges and Nurturing Growing Infants
- Advocating for Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) for Optimal Newborn Well-being
- Preventing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Promoting Safe Co-Sleeping Practices While Respecting Cultural Norms
- Analyzing the Impact of Childbirth Interventions on Breastfeeding Challenges
- Navigating the Spectrum of Postpartum Adjustments: From Normalcy to Challenges
- Identifying and Addressing Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs)
- Fostering Informed Decision-Making in Postpartum and Newborn Care
- Decoding Newborn Behavior States: A Guide for Parents
- Deciphering Newborn Appearance: Insights for New Parents
- Deconstructing Newborn Medical Procedures: Empowering Parents with Knowledge
- Holistic Support for Postpartum Women: Balancing Physical Care and Emotional Well-being
- Guiding Clients through Perinatal Loss and Birth Trauma: A Compassionate Approach
- Mastery of Newborn Care Techniques and Soothing Practices
- Essentials of Diapering, Swaddling, and Bathing Newborns: A Practical Guide
- Child Development Milestones: Nurturing Growth Through the First Year
- Attachment Theory Basics: Cultivating Strong Parent-Infant Bonds
- Embracing a Trauma-Informed Approach to Maternal and Infant Mental Health
- The Pivotal Role of Postpartum Doulas in Family Transition: Nurturing Bonds
- Advocating for Perinatal Health Justice: Ensuring Equitable Maternal and Infant Well-being