Cancer Counseling

According to the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), “counseling is working with a mental health professional to cope with the challenges that come with a cancer diagnosis.

Talking with a counselor can help an individual:

  • Learn how to cope with a cancer diagnosis
  • Feel less overwhelmed and more in control
  • Manage anxiety and depression
  • Cope with symptoms and side effect, such as pain and fatigue
  • Deal with emotional concerns about self-image, body image, and intimacy and sex
  • Manage fears or worries about the future

A counselor can also help a person to talk with the people around them. For example, they can help a person:

  • Communicate clearly with their health care team
  • Talk with family and friends and adjust to changes
  • Find resources and help them deal with changes to their work, career, and finances
  • Make important decisions
  • Consider what comes after a person or their loved one finishes treatment

For more information, please visit and

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