
A Chinese method of healing that uses hair-thin needles to treat illness and relieve pain. Acupuncture is a form of complementary medicine and a key component of traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture is a 5,000-year-old Chinese therapy.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends acupuncture as an effective treatment for over forty medical problems, including allergies, respiratory conditions, gastrointestinal disorders, gynecological problems, nervous conditions, and disorders of the eyes, nose and throat, and childhood illnesses, among others. Acupuncture has been used in the treatment of alcoholism and substance abuse. It is an effective and low-cost treatment for headaches and chronic pain, associated with problems like back injuries and arthritis. It has also been used to supplement invasive Western treatments like chemotherapy and surgery. Acupuncture is generally most effective when used as prevention or before a health condition becomes acute, but it has been used to help patients suffering from cancer and AIDS. Acupuncture is limited in treating conditions or traumas that require surgery or emergency care (such as for broken bones).

Acupuncture is one of the fundamental techniques found in traditional Chinese medicine. It is well documented, scientifically analyzed, and widely becoming acceptable in western medicine.

For more information on acupuncture visit The American Academy of Medical Acupuncture at

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