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Thrive with Cancer: Move Beyond Just Surviving

June 13, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

3-day workshop designed for individuals living with a cancer diagnosis

About this event

Have you recently been diagnosed with cancer?

I remember very clearly the day I received my diagnosis. Everything changed in that moment.

Is your diagnosis bringing on stress, overwhelm, anxiety, fear, or even problems with decision-making?

All of these feelings are real. I know because I have been there.

Are you preparing yourself to navigate the tests and treatments and surgeries and everything else to come but don’t know where to start?

Do you feel like you want to crawl under the blankets and pretend like this isn’t happening?

I get that too. I have felt that way.

What if I told you that you are not your diagnosis? That you get to take back control of your life and live to thrive with cancer…

You can!

Life with cancer can be more than medical appointments and living stressed and with anxiety.

I offer ways to help you feel empowered to take back control of your life and your happiness.

Learn how to start thriving with cancer today!

In this 3-day workshop we will be going through the steps of how take control of your life with cancer and to navigate life outside of the doctors office.

What can you expect?

Day 1 we jump right into talking about the impact of stress on your body and ways you can manage that stress as well as other factors to support healing in the body.

On Day 2 we look at the mind and how our thoughts can either help you or get in the way of managing day to day life. What you think and say to yourself matters!

and then on Day 3 we talk about how you can connect to your inner self to manage stress and support your whole body, mind, and spirit.

Come learn how to thrive in life. You can do this. Together we can do this.

Thrive With Cancer: Move Beyond Just Surviving - Lewiston image

Hi there!

I’m Kathryn, a former teacher turned healthy living advocate. My own personal health scare helped me to get educated on why lifestyle matters for our health. Finding a fulfilling life post cancer is part of my journey and it can be yours too.