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How does SoulBeing fit into my Employee Benefits Strategy?

Aug 22, 2023 | Benefits, HSA | 0 comments

Employee benefits have become an essential part of the modern workplace. Most employers offer a variety of benefits to their employees, such as health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and wellness programs. These benefits are designed to improve employee satisfaction, productivity, and overall well-being. In fact, according to a study conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management, 92% of employees consider benefits to be important when choosing a job.

SoulBeing is a new type of offering in the employee benefit space, and one that is well-positioned to exceed utilization benchmarks and user satisfaction metrics. This is because SoulBeing is designed as a consumer-centric solution while implementing meaningful healthcare analytics and policies behind the scenes. SoulBeing is a digital health and wellbeing platform that connects employees and their families with high quality complementary and alternative (CAM) healthcare services to best fit their needs.

1. The Importance of Employee Wellbeing

Employee wellbeing has become a top priority for employers in recent years. Companies are recognizing that healthy employees are more productive, engaged, and loyal. According to a study conducted by the American Heart Association, employers who invest in employee wellness programs see a return on investment of $6 for every $1 spent.

SoulBeing is far beyond a wellness program, however. The SoulBeing network of providers is intended to supplement a health plan with additional resources not always covered by health insurance. These CAM providers are offering evidence-based healthcare services that elsewhere in the world are simply considered as part of a healthcare system. Here in the US, however, that is not the case. This results in a lot of confusion for the healthcare consumer, who struggles to find high quality providers and the right fit between their symptoms and the providers in this space.

SoulBeing is the easy solution for care navigation of CAM services that employers can offer to their teams. This unique approach is a tangible strategy for employers to demonstrate additional support and improve the wellbeing of their employees. SoulBeing can also encourage optimization of other healthcare mechanisms such as Health Savings Accounts (HSA) or Lifestyle Accounts (LSA) by providing an easy way to deploy these funds for appropriate services.

2. The Rise of Digital Health Platforms

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of digital health platforms. With many employees working from home, employers are looking for new ways to support the health and wellbeing of their workforce. Digital health platforms like SoulBeing offer a convenient and accessible way for employees to access additional healthcare support no matter where they are located, or whether their role is onsite, remote, or hybrid.

According to a report by Grand View Research, the global digital health market is expected to reach $509.2 billion by 2025. This growth is being driven by increasing demand for remote monitoring, personalized healthcare, and the rise of wearable technology. SoulBeing is on trend by offering access to a wide range of healthcare resources and approaches in one digital hub, and their clients benefit from their foresight in planning for the future of work.

3. The Benefits of Personalization

One of the key advantages of SoulBeing compared to other offerings in this space is a focus on personalization. The platform uses data analytics and artificial intelligence to guide each user toward the healthcare services most likely to resolve whatever symptom or condition they are managing at that time. This approach is based on the idea that one-size-fits-all wellness programs are ineffective at helping the majority of the workforce. Instead, healthcare benefits should be able to meet each individual where they are, provide adequate support for their specific needs, and do so anonymously and securely.

According to a study conducted by Deloitte, personalized benefits are far more effective than generic wellness programs. Employees who participate in personalized benefit offerings are more likely to achieve their health goals and are more satisfied with their overall experience. By offering a uniquely flexible platform, SoulBeing is designed to help employees achieve their health goals and drive improved quality of life for individuals, families, and entire communities.

Employee benefits have become an essential part of the modern workplace. Employers are recognizing the importance of employee wellbeing and are investing in solutions to improve the overall health of their workforce. SoulBeing is well-positioned to exceed many benefit benchmarks by offering access to a variety of approaches that are personalized to the unique needs and preferences of each user. By focusing on employee wellbeing and leveraging the latest trends in digital health, offering SoulBeing to your workforce will ensure you are poised for success in supporting the changing needs and demands of your workforce.


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