
How to Hibernate

How to Hibernate

SoulBeing November 2023 Newsletter Climb under cozy covers Sleep until spring. Some days, hibernation seems like a really smart idea. Or if not a smart idea, at least a tempting one. This time of year it is easy for me to feel out of sync. As the natural world slows...

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Short, Sweet, September

Short, Sweet, September

SoulBeing September 2023 Newsletter Most years of my life have seen September represent a return to routine, a quickening from the slow pace of summer. But never has a September gone by so quickly as it has this year. In this spirit, I am going to keep this month's...

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Big, Big Feelings

Big, Big Feelings

SoulBeing August 2023 Newsletter My son will be two and a half next month and he is going through it lately. This summer, my happy-go-lucky second born has started asserting himself, often loudly. His frustration is palpable in these moments. His face will turn red,...

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Crimes Against Wisdom

Crimes Against Wisdom

SoulBeing July 2023 Newsletter Earlier this year I started working with an incredible Ayurvedic practitioner. In a short time, she has enhanced much of my understanding of my own health and challenged many of my assumptions about how my mind, body, and spirit are...

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Just Happy to Be Here

Just Happy to Be Here

SoulBeing June 2023 Newsletter The past few months have been full of some big milestones at SoulBeing. We are in the middle of implementations with some incredible new clients, we are expanding our team as well as our provider network, and we have participated in...

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The Stories We Tell

The Stories We Tell

SoulBeing Spring 2023 Newsletter Raise your hand if you’re guilty of calling this “Spring Newsletter” because you didn’t get one sent out last month? (Raises hand). I have worked very hard to evict the perfectionist that still lives inside of me, but she found a way...

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The “Best”

The “Best”

SoulBeing March 2023 Newsletter Competition is built into the very fabric of our society.  It is a driver of capitalism, and its usefulness and value tend to be contentious topics. Participation trophies have become a norm for children’s sports and activities,...

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Work and Play

Work and Play

SoulBeing February 2023 Newsletter I read recently that children do not differentiate between work and play. Watching my toddlers attempt to fold socks or sweep the kitchen floor with the same unbridled enthusiasm that they demonstrate while playing with train sets or...

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Doing Well & Doing Good

Doing Well & Doing Good

SoulBeing January 2023 Newsletter There are times in life when it feels like everything is coming full circle. Some people call this “flow,” others call it living out your purpose, some might simply call it coincidence. But I find these moments of synchronicity, of...

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Finding Purpose in Problem Solving

Finding Purpose in Problem Solving

I recently attended the First Annual Maine Startup Challenge, an awesome event hosted by the Maine Venture Fund. The competition invited four different age groups from kindergarten through adulthood to submit a conceptual business plan for the chance of winning a cash...

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In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts

In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts

A transition into the fall season always feels bittersweet for me. Another summer gone by too quickly paired with the promise of beautiful cozy months ahead. New beginnings for many of us as more predictable routines resume, while the days simultaneously carry an...

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Acceptance vs. Alignment

Acceptance vs. Alignment

Slower Summer days have been great for introspection and leisurely thinking. A lot of my ponderings through these hotter months have been around the theme of alignment. The concept is a big one, as it encompasses all aspects of our lives: personal, career,...

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Looking for Inspiration?

Looking for Inspiration?

Let’s talk about inspiration. When I first sat down to write our June Newsletter, I was blank. I consulted a running list of topics and studies that I keep filed away for these occasions. Usually, something on this list will stir or intrigue me to dig deeper. Capture...

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Feeling the Shift! Newsletter: March 2022

Feeling the Shift! Newsletter: March 2022

Companies are concerning themselves with the well-being of their employees more than ever. In the 2021 employer benefits survey by Willis Towers Watson, 69% of HR decision-makers identified integrating employee well-being into their benefits offerings as their top...

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