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The Death of the “Wellness Program”

Aug 30, 2023 | Benefits, HSA, Wellness | 0 comments

Employee wellness programs have been a popular benefit strategy for companies for years. These programs aim to improve employees’ health and wellbeing and reduce healthcare costs for employers. However, traditional employee wellness programs have limitations that can hinder their effectiveness. In this article, we will explore the limitations of traditional employee wellness programs and why the data supports that a digital network of complementary and alternative medicine providers is the best solution for a future benefit strategy to support employee wellbeing.

Limitations of Traditional Employee Wellness Programs

Traditional employee wellness programs are typically designed to promote healthy habits such as exercise, healthy eating, and stress management. They often offer incentives such as gym memberships, healthy food options, and wellness coaching. Many modern wellness programs rely on gamification and small external rewards to motivate engagement. While these programs can be effective in some cases, they have several limitations.

Firstly, traditional employee wellness programs are often one-size-fits-all and may not take into account the unique needs and preferences of individual employees. For example, an employee with a chronic condition may require a different approach than an employee who is trying to lose weight. In most cases, the employees who participate most actively in these programs are the ones who are already intrinsically motivated and displaying healthy habits. For this reason, wellness programs end up appealing to the top 20% of “healthiest employees” and doing little to improve overall employee experience or health for the vast majority, or reduce claims costs or healthcare spend for the employer in any meaningful way.

Secondly, traditional employee wellness programs often focus on physical health and neglect other aspects of wellbeing such as mental health and spiritual health. This can lead to a narrow focus on health and wellbeing that does not address the root causes of health problems. A recent trend toward adding meditation and mindfulness apps to these programs has shown limited success. While the intention to take a more holistic approach to health is recognized and applauded, these point-solutions do not integrate well into an overall strategy, and engagement metrics tend to fizzle over time.

Thirdly, traditional employee wellness programs may not be accessible to all employees. For example, employees who work remotely or have disabilities may not be able to participate in onsite wellness activities, or feel comfortable participating in health challenges alongside their peers. This can result in inequitable access to wellness programs and limited effectiveness. Digital programs that attempt to address these inequities have lackluster results, often because the perception of the program as exclusionary persists among employees.

Why a Digital Network of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Providers is a Better Solution

SoulBeing’s digital network of complementary and alternative medicine providers is designed to account for these gaps in the solutions previously available to support employee wellbeing. This type of network offers several advantages over traditional employee wellness programs.

Firstly, a digital network of complementary and alternative medicine providers can offer personalized and customized solutions that take into account the unique needs and preferences of individual employees. For example, employees with chronic conditions can receive care navigation support that connects them to providers who design personalized treatment plans that address their specific health needs.

Secondly, a digital network of complementary and alternative medicine providers inherently offers a holistic approach to health and wellbeing that intentionally addresses the root causes of health problems. Providers in the network are dedicated to promoting physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health through their own offerings as well as collaboration with their peers in the network. Functional medicine doctors, naturopathic doctors, massage therapists, acupuncturists, registered dietitians, and many more all work together to provide a complete health management strategy specific to each individual’s needs and preferences.

Thirdly, a digital network of complementary and alternative medicine providers can be accessible to all employees, regardless of their location or physical abilities. This can promote equitable access to wellness services and increase participation rates. There are no gimmicks or points-systems to turn health into a competition. The focus of SoulBeing is helping each individual navigate the care options available to them to design a perfect care team that can fully support their needs in a private, secure environment.

Why SoulBeing?

SoulBeing is the best option for a digital network of complementary and alternative medicine providers for several reasons. Firstly, SoulBeing has the most robust and comprehensive vetting process for this segment of the healthcare market ever built and implemented. All providers in the SoulBeing network undergo a rigorous vetting process that includes background checks, license verification, and credential verification. This ensures that employees can trust the providers in the network and receive high-quality care.

Secondly, SoulBeing offers a wide range of complementary and alternative medicine services that address the unique needs and preferences of individual employees. These services include acupuncture, nutrition counseling, meditation, massage, osteopathic care, mental and behavioral health support, and yoga, among many others. This variety of services ensures that employees can find the right solutions for their health and wellbeing needs.

Finally, SoulBeing offers a user-friendly platform that makes it easy for employees and their families to find and book appointments with providers in the network. The platform also includes features such as online scheduling and payment, which make it convenient for employees to access services from anywhere.

In conclusion, traditional employee wellness programs have limitations that can hinder their effectiveness in promoting employee health and wellbeing. A digital network of complementary and alternative medicine providers, such as SoulBeing, offers a personalized, holistic, and accessible approach to employee health that addresses these limitations. With its comprehensive vetting process, wide range of services, and user-friendly platform, SoulBeing is the best option for companies looking to implement a digital network of complementary and alternative medicine providers in their benefit strategy. By prioritizing employee health and wellbeing through innovative solutions like SoulBeing, companies can create a more engaged and productive workforce while also reducing healthcare costs.


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