SoulBeing Blog

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What is Iridology?

Mar 13, 2019 | General | 0 comments

Starting from a very young age, I have always been interested in the plant world, health, physiology and psychology. With my continued research and studies, I came across Iridology in 1982 and had the privilege of learning this fascinating tool from Dr. Bernard Jensen. He is a proclaimed master of this modality. With my sincere dedication to humanity, Iridology was a wonderful vehicle to understand human beings at such great depth to uncover how one thinks, feels, eats, lives…. basically, by looking into the eyes! With Iridology, I am able to access getting to the root of a symptom or problem.

The iris contains bundles of thousands of nerve fibers and is a reflection of the entire body. The iris is connected to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the brain and nervous system. Think of you brain as your bodies “hard drive” it remembers every situation and circumstance. Your iris is then like the “file folder” so reading the iris to find out what is happening to your body physically and emotionally is similar to how one reads a computer screen to access what’s in a computer.

In a session, I will photograph the eyes with my Iridology camera. Then within the analysis it will be determined of the client needs more of a nutritional consult or if there are recurring emotional issues, that are imprinted patterns in the psyche. If it is more of an emotional or behavior situation then I will suggest my Hypno-Core-Release protocol, where we get to the root cause of the issue. Often times pain is released and one can experience more joy, peace and freedom!

One example is, a client came to me with a skin problem, he had underlying kidney, lymphatics and colon issues.  He also had discord going on with his father, whereas they had not spoken for 4yrs and the father lived in an upstairs apartment. This discord also affected my client with his family as he had children that the grandfather was also ignoring. The bigger issue with his skin was the irritation regarding his father. He did a few sessions of my Hypno-Core-Release process and in a short amount of time, his father came downstairs and asked to have dinner with the family and amends were made! By going into the inner core of our emotional blocks, one can release the stuck imprints and then a rippling effect occurs that will go out to our personal world, where we get responses rather than discordant reactions.

I have clients come to me when they have worked with other modalities and their pain or issues are still lingering. It is very important to go beyond symptoms to address all parts of who we are. I do my best to help people get to the core of a situation finding the underlying causes.

Some of the problems people come to me for:


  • Allergies
  • Inflammation
  • Fatigue
  • Pain
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Relationship issues

A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions!

Written by Sunshine Beeson, InSpiral Iridology, 617-637-6672,


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